Monday, August 18, 2008

One week old and Back to school

First of all I had to show off our little man at one week.  He is just too sweet except between 12 and 3am.  Wont miss that when he sleeps through the night.  Thank heavens he is so handsome!!
JJ took the girls to meet and greet their teachers last friday.  Syd is a big 2nd grader now and Paige is in Kindergarten.  Sydney started school today and Paige starts Wednesday.  Abby starts Preschool September 2nd.  Wow, all three in school!!!


*amandajae* said...

oh my gosh he is such a cutie!!those cheeks just keep growing!! all 3 in school?! dang, that is soooo crazy!! i cant wait to get over there!

Owen's Mommy said...

Question...have you read Breaking Dawn??? AMAZING! Moving on...the girls look so grown up. I would ask if it's sad to see them get older, but you do have a new bambino to keep you occupied. He is so cute, and we can't wait to meet him.